Friday, September 27, 2024

Heavy Duty Training Day 1 of Gaining Muscle mass Bodybuilding Transformation Legs and shoulders

Never skip leg day is what everyone says but hardly people follow. It's leg workout and development that separates men from boys. You gotta squat, lunge and do extensions to build those quads but definitely not do endless amount sets and reps but train with lot of intensity.

Do high reps with 2 to 3 sets including warm up. I do leg press, squats and leg extension in one of the leg day and next week I switch it with hamstring exercise instead of leg extension.

Do give it a try and let me know.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

How to get 6 Pack abs

Want a 6 pack ? Well you will need to put more effort in kitchen than in gym to get a dashboard abs. As the saying goes " what we eat is what we are". Yes, you have to do crunches train abdominal muscles from different angles. But what gets a you 6 pack is your diet and thus it results in lower body fat. As long as you have lower bodyfat you will have visible abs. 

What's the ideal body fat you may ask? We I would says 12-14% is ideal for men and if are below that than you will have more visible abs. Untill unless you are dedicated an

d focused on your diet and exercise it's difficult to achieve the goal. There are various dieting methods on cam achieve this, be it low carb diet or keto or having the macros balanced. One should not avoid carbs totally as they are very important in terms of performance and overall health. 

Most important thing is genetics, time frame and nutrition and dieting strategy. Do more cardiovascular exercise and have a balanced diet and with time you can achieve your goals. More detailed article can be seen in this Blog specially 'ABC  of getting Ripped'. Drink lot of water, eat more protein and make sure you do  strength training.

Wish you all the very best. Talk to you in the next post.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Mike Menzter Style of Diet

The transformation is going good, In this post i would like to discuss about mike mentzer style of Diet. Diet is critical in one's body transformation and body fat reduction.

If you are not aware high intensity Workout or heavy Duty Workout style was started by arthur jones, followed by Casey viator and then by Mike mentzer and he add his own observation and recommendation to it. He made it popular.

Train Less and make gain more muscle and cutting down the frequency of workouts. follow my previous posts related to Mike Menzter article. Now lets get back to diet,Mike recommended meat, fruits and vegetables, cereals. He recommended 60/25/15 ratio for carbohydrates, protein and fats. His philosophy was high carbs for energy and to aid intense workout. He was not big on high protein. Which i agree with mike, we need not go overboard with protein but rather have a active lifestyle.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Push and pull Workout

I am back in training and as always training high intensity workout. I experimented with only couple of exercises. but that's like hitting two birds in one stone. the pull up palms facing you is a great back workout at the same time great for your biceps. Now push workout I did weighted dips with 32 kg kettlebell attached.
I must tell you my chest was screaming with pain and thrilled with the pump. while I write you my friends and buddies instill feel my pecs burning and growing. Mike mentzer inspired me a lot to train intensely and train smart. This workout was Short,effective and incredibly rewarding. until next workout cya and train hard get big and Strong.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Cardio and Martial arts

The amount of cardio needed to do Martial arts or any form of contact sports is tremendous. Cardio is not only essential for getting ripped but also to stay fit and healthy. Its very important to keep yourself in good condition like a finely tuned machine. Trust me benefits of a great cardio will take you a long way. You can pick and do any form of cardio right from walking in the beautiful nature to running on the beach. You can play sports like soccer and swimming. Bicycle riding you have array of options.
I love Muay thai bag workout, punching and kicking working on techniques is a great cardio. Make sure you do cardio at least 2 times a week cardio workout.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Golden era bodybuilding workout

Arnold Schwarzenegger to Frank Zane every legend loved training and those were the golden days of bodybuilding. I absolutely love to train hard and heavy duty style. Training should be intense and rewarding. I believe it's how hard you train and not how long you train. Its been a while since I posted videos or wrote articles. I just have been very busy with life, like we all sometimes do. But then again you get back to doing what you really love to do. For me its training and writing sharing experience and learning. As far as i can remember i started blogging or YouTube videos out of passion to share and document. This week has been productive and sharing a little shoulder workout session. I juggle between training at home and gym. here is my quick workout
barbell clean and press barbell shoulder press weight plate halos enjoy the video and chat to you soon people.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Mike Mentzer style of Training - EP 7

Welcome to the episode 7 of Mike mentzer style of training. Mike mentzer is an huge inspiration in terms of not only a great bodybuilder but a great mind who went against the grains and came up with his own system of training. I feel his method of training is very good for general public and bodybuilders and athletes. yes, there may be few points which i disagree, but overall he was correct. likewise I like Arthur Jones too. Arthur jones was the one who came with this style of training. He said training should be brief and intense and not long like marathon. There has always been debate whether this form of training can yield great results, well the answer is yes. but again there needs to be little bit of twicking.In terms of bodybuilding many have trained this way, like mike mentzer, Casey victor, Dorian Yates and many more. For past week it's been raining heavily and can't even go out without getting drenched. so i started working out from home whenever I can't make it to gym. Home workout using Mike Mentzer. ARNOLD PRESS 3 SETS OF 20 REPS LAST SET BEING TO FAILURE BICEPS CURLS 4 SETS OF 3 REPS LAST SET BEING TO FAILURE TRICEPS DUMBBELL KICK BACKS 4 SETS OF 3 REPS LAST SET BEING TO FAILURE When the moments are slow you feel Tremendous amount of pump. The key to growth is control over Weights.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Mike Mentzer style of Training - EP 6

The transformation is going good and one thing i would like to point out is whe. I start to lift weights i tend to put on muscle quick. Ofcourse, you do gain fat with that as well. There is no way you can just gain muscle and not fat. This episode on my YouTube channel i share and talk about best training methods, what's worked for me interms of training, rep range and sets.
If you are not aware high intensity Workout or heavy Duty Workout style was started by aurther jones, followed by Casey viator and then by Mike mentzer and he add his own observation and recommendation to it. He made it popular. Train Less and make gain more muscle and cutting down the frequency of workouts.

I did a leg workout today, now this my own spin to the method keeping the principle the same which is training to failure, breif and infrequent. When I want to build muscle this is something I follow and has served me well. 
So here is my workout.

leg press and few other exercises are the only ones i do multiple sets to warm up and get the body ready and avoid injury.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and the blog and follow my transformation journey.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Body Transformation Leg and Conditioning workout

Build muscle, cut fat and stay jacked. Well, that's what I intended to do. Most of the times we ignore the conditioning of our cardio and body and just focus on one form of training or exercise routine or diet plan.We need variety and fluidity in our approach, sure, use what's worked well for you but always be up for change.
If you follow me be it on YouTube, where I have ton of fitness and bodybuilding videos or Instagram where i share my diet and travel and food and body transformation pictures. You will know I like to train smart and time efficient. This week I did leg day and cardio, jumping rope for good 45 minutes. I did functional fitness and dumbell thrusters. mixing traditional bodybuilding workouts with functional fitness is great and can yield great results. Diet has been pretty clean and cut down on sugar and junk food. My transformation is going good so far and will keep you friends updated.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Mike Mentzer Style Training - Workout 1

mike mentzer heavy duty training has been a great way to train for me personally and i am happy with the results so far.

High intensity training full body routine is a 15 to 30 minutes in the gym is all it takes and it can be as infrequent as once in 8 days based on one's recovery and ability to train intense.
The workout uses 80/20 principle to
breakdown traditional weight training into its minimalist element that are essential for muscle growth.

1. Progressive overload
2. focus on negative part of the moment.
3. safe on joints and tendons.
4. one set to failure
5. saves time while builds you tremendous muscle based on one's genetic potential.

Please subscribe to my youtube channel and blog to support the journey.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Best Kettlebell Exercises for building Muscle

Kettlebell workouts are one of the best workouts to do if you want to get in shape quick and at home. It's a break from a regular bro split pumping iron workout. Plus it builds functional strength and good muscle mass as get to heavier kettlebells and beorw frequent in training.

I believe it's a great tool and asset for people who are into fitness. I love kettlebells as i can take them any where and they are easyly portable and don't occupy much space.

Best Kettlebell exercises are as follows
1. Kettlebell swings
2. Kettlebell press
3. Kettlebell Cleans
4. Double kettlebell squat

Till next time train hard and stay fit

Monday, September 26, 2022

Fitness and Farm Gym

Two things always brings a smile on my face Fitness and Farm. Both of these are very viral for humans. We need good food, organic food grown and served and physical activity to keep us fit and healthy. 

Farm and gym provides you that, I  love the idea of a farm gym. If you happen to set up a gym at home it's home gym. But having a gym at farm is different experience. How is it different you may ask, the biggest difference is farm gym is always a open gym and it's great to train in an open gym compared to a commercial gym.

Now coming to training routine, i like training intense and progressively over loading muscle. Be it a rep or a set a increase in these factors to increases the chances of gains.

I trained deadlifts for back and dumbbell curls for biceps. I trained shoulders using dumbbell shoulder presses. I did 2 sets of 10 Reps on each exercise.

This is my first workout and vlog on a day in Life. Please subscribe to my youtube channel.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Kettlebells a great asset to getting Fit

Fitness industry has always been growing and is a multi-million industry. Out of all the equipments or tools that came out of this industry the one I love and the one to humble me down was kettlebell.

Kettlebells are not new, they have been there since ages. But it's popularity grow from a decade. It's a great tool to get fit be it to build muscle or cardiovascular strength.

I use kettlebells regularly in my training and see great results and ample benifits. Here i did a workout compromising of both upper and lower body. A total body workout.

Do let me know your thoughts on kettlebell.