
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How to get paper thing skin by Kevin Levrone 2017

Kevin Levrone 2017 in India, in this part 4 of Kevin Levrone interview he shares the tricks and trade of achieving paper thin skin for bodybuilding contest.

Paper thin skin can be a vital factor in winning and losing a bodybuilding show. whether you are ripped to shreds or jacked and tanned, if you plan to get on a bodybuilding stage you need to have paper thin skin to ready show how defined your muscles are!

Having Low Body fat levels

One of the keys to achieving paper thin skin in bodybuilding is to have low body fat levels especially closer to the bodybuilding shows. The standard levels of body fat for a competitor on a bodybuilding stage is around 5-6% if you really want to make an impact in the show.


Diuretics are most commonly used in getting the water out of the body so that have grainy and vascular look. Diuretics are used to get ripped and aids in getting paper thin skin and thus gives you more defined look.

Water and Sodium manipulation.

One must manipulate water and sodium to avoid the body from holding water and sodium, which can give you that watery look and thus takes way the details and sharpness of the physique.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Kevin Levrone Reason for Comeback and India Tour Part 2

This is a Part 2 of Kevin Levrone 2017 India Tour and in this episode Kevin Levrone Discusses Real reason for his comeback and how he has been preparing for Arnold classics 2018. He is here in India to promote levrone signature series.

He was looking big and ripped and looked like he can still go one competing for 5 more years. Now kevin levrone is one of the best bodybuilders in the world and is blessed with great genetics listen to his thoughts on training diet and nutrition.  Please do subscribe to my YouTube channel and the blog to enjoy the future episodes.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kevin Levrone 2017 India Tour and Bodybuilding Seminar

Kevin Levrone 2017 India Tour has been a delight to Kevin levrone fans specially his Indian fans. I had the opportunity of being part of it and experiencing great seminar. I have been a fan of Kevin levrone is he won the Night of champions. There was no social media back then, No Facebook, no Instagram and no YouTube.

It was a surreal experience meeting a legend and a role model for the first time. Kevin is a great champion and a gentleman, he treats his fans with great respect and inspires them with his words and action. I had a great opportunity to talk to him in length and touching various topics right from night of champions to Arnold classics, his diet and training Routine.

The audience also had some good question and Kevin was very happy to answer them and was a good earning experience. This article has the first part of the miniseries I will be releasing from the seminar. Here is the part One of the seminar, where Kevin talks about his training routine and teaches how different body types can train to get the optimal results. Please do subscribe to my YouTube channel and the blog to enjoy the future episodes.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

How to Gain Mass In your Biceps

I often get asked by new bee’s in the gym lot of questions on diet, training and supplementation. One of the question which a student of mine asked was “How to gain mass in your arm” well I said bloody train them hard and train them heavy Boy!

He was in awe for moment and said is it all that it takes build huge arms? I said yes, hell yeah. Let me tell you my story or rather my experience of training arms more specifically building biceps. My biceps have always responded to heavy training and more importantly to barbell curls. Cheating is even better when it comes to arm training. Here is a video where I demonstrate the raw biceps training workout which will hit every muscle fiber I your arm. Please do subscribe to my channel to get more training and dieting tips.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

How to Lose Weight without Exercise or Strict Diet ?

This was a question from one of my viewer who never exercised and was significantly over weight. The problem with most people is that they never realize that they are going over board and putting on heaps of weight at later stage. I do understand and acknowledge that focusing on fitness and health takes a back seat when you are in hustle to make life better and provide for your family.

People put on weight for various reason and often ignore the fact that it’s not always about looking good and have a six-pack abs. it’s beyond that, I am not talking everyone should have a great physique but more on the lines of being healthy and active in life.

Taking care of yourself and being healthy and active and having a fit body is not limited celebrities or athletes. Everyone should take time and pride in being healthy and fit, most importantly be consistent. Well enough said about what is the problem now let’s see how we can fix it.

I can guide you to get fit and stay in shape, but you must help yourself! you need to be consistent in working out, straight on your diet and shouldn't lose focus. Now let’s say you weight 105 kgs and you’re under 6 feet in height. It is quite too much if you don't exercise and have a very sedentary life style. Another most overlooked factor is the age, as you grow old you need to keep your weight under control.

 I suggest you join a gym and start working out ASAP.

 Building muscle revolves around few factors which one needs to consider and follow.

1. Weight training and right kind of exercises.
2. Nutrition depending on your goals as to build muscle or loose fat.
3. Rest and recovery depending on your training routine, that is whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced.

Initially I would say learn the correct exercises and most importantly the form. when you say weight, I assume you mean muscle, I would say train regularly and hard say 5 days a week.

Stay away from sugar, excess carbs and processed foods.

I suggest do cardio at least 3 days a week. trying doing HIT cardio.

If you follow these simple pointers you are bound to get a fit body and stay healthy.

One of the best whey protein is muscle Blaze Whey protein, I prefer to take 2 whey protein shakes a day and my training has improved since I have added Muscle Blaze to my nutritional arsenal gains have drastically improved. 

Follow my YouTube channel and subscribe.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fat to Fit Transformation and H.I.T Training Module

My Transformation from Fat to Fit, I have made a comeback from an injury and had put me out for good 5 months. Its great stepping foot back in the gym and trying to turn fat into muscle. I was able to gain like 2 to 3 pounds, I believe it will have lot of fat but I am trying to build my strength at the moment and then start shredding. It will be a gradual progress and I shall document and keep you guys posted on my journey of fat to fit. I trained shoulders today and was great training as I had great pump and could see the increase in strength.

In this episode I take you through my back workout routine. I am big believer in HIT Training method, it was pioneered by Arthur Jones and popularized and advocated by Mike mentzer. Then Dorian Yates popularized it by winning Mr. Olympia titles one after other. I have few articles dedicated to HIT training which you can read and enjoy.

body part
Day 1  
chest and triceps  (Sat)

Day 2

Back & Biceps (Sun)

Day 3

Shoulders & abs(mon)

Day 4


Day 5

arms & legs

Day 6


Cardio & abs


H.I.T Training Module

High intensity training is one of the best method’s to put on quality muscle mass and definition, if not the best. It was found by Arthur Jones who experimented with this form of training with top bodybuilders of the era. He was the inventor of the Nautilus; many well know bodybuilders trained under his guidance like Casey Viator, mike mentzer and Ray Mentzer. It was Mike Mentzer who popularized this form of training and added his own observation to the HIT theory and perfected it.  Mike advocated and trained his clients no more than 7-9 sets per workout and further reduced the training by reducing the number days trained per week; 3 days per week sometimes even less depending on the gains. Mike advocated HIT training a lot and held many seminars’s and shot training videos. The man who took the HIT method to the top and revolutionized the sport of bodybuilding was Dorian Yates. 6 consecutive times Mr. Olympia and a big follower of HIT method.

The principle of this training method was that one should train brief, infrequent and with all intensity. It was believed that training with high intensity and to a point where it would create muscular failure momentarily yielded great gains and results. Since its intensity which is the key in this form of training, the training volume and duration of training is very brief compared to traditional volume training where one performs numerous sets and repetitions with low intensity. We all know that training stimulates muscle growth by recruiting new muscle fibers but rest and nutrition is what makes them grow. Adequate rest has to be provided for the body to heal and grow and endure the taxing from next intense workout. Hence a great emphasis is placed on rest and recuperation.

A typical HIT Workout can be like focusing one single muscle group to may be a minor muscle group in addition, like Back with Biceps. Again a great emphasis is placed on form and technique as it’s just not moving weights but lifting with perfect form and in slow and controlled fashion rather than jerking the weight. I strongly believe one should be training no more than 45 minutes, if they are aiming to build quality muscle mass naturally. We all more or less have access to same nutritional information but what separate us are the training methods to some degree and most importantly the intensity. Try this method for good 4-6 months and see the results.

This video is on barbell rows and I like to train heavy without compromising the form. People have tendency to focus more on weight and less on form due to ego lifting. Well guys focus on form and you will be grateful you did, because it prevents injury and help you build lot of muscle mass.