
Monday, August 13, 2018

Natural Body Transformation episode 4- high intensity training

Natural Body Transformation - Fat to Fit is series where I will document my natural body transformation journey week by week. Share my exercise routine, diet to get lean and shed fat while retaining muscle mass.

This episode showcases all my back workout so far and how well my body is responding to high intensity training routines. Over all what I can say is body transformations does not happen very quick as they like to portray. There is no magic pill or diet and workout routine which can make you look like a cover model. Every thing has time and limitations.

Back is what makes or breaks a compition or shall I say how impressive your physique will appear. Strong back muscles are sign of strength and vitality, building a huge strong back is far more important than having a six pack. Back also ties in all the other muscle groups like chest and arms as they become secondary muscles when you Train back. Have been receiving lot of questions on training routine and diet. I will make more videos detailing diet and cut out the bullshit of things that don't work. Please follow my instagram @prathap_umesh 

I am here not only to share my journey but also to help you in your quest to get strong and healthy. I don't ask anything in return nor am I selling you anything. Do fitness has become business and marketing unlike the earlier days where it was a interesting self learning and development journey. 

Please follow this blog and my YouTube channel that's all I ask for not in return but to build a channel where we share our knowledge, experience, struggle, failures and strategies. 

Here is my workout :

T- bar rows 4x10
Barbell rows 4x10
Seated cable rows 3x10
Lat pull down 5x10
Barbell shrugs 3x8

As you already know I am firm believer in intensity and not high volume, heavy duty style.


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Natural Body Transformation episode 5 - Come with me if you want to lift

Natural Body Transformation episode 5 - Come with me if you want to lift

Natural Indian Body Transformation - Fat to Fit is series where I will document my natural body transformation journey week by week. Share my exercise routine, diet to get lean and shed fat while retaining muscle mass.

Do you want to build a strong physique which is asthetic without any use of Anabolics then come with me if you want to lift. I am big advocate of building a physique naturally and focusing only on your goals and training not bothering about others or Naysayers. In this episode you will see me doing all my workouts mixed kind of training montage. 

I am here not only to share my journey but also to help you in your quest to get strong and healthy. I don't ask anything in return nor am I selling you anything. Do fitness has become business and marketing unlike the earlier days where it was a interesting self learning and development journey. 

Please follow this blog and my YouTube channel that's all I ask for not in return but to build a channel where we share our knowledge, experience, struggle, failures and strategies. 

Here is my workout :

As you already know I am firm believer in intensity and not high volume, heavy duty style.

Till next time train hard and make gains! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Mike Mentzer Tribute

This article is a tribute to bodybuilding great Mike Mentzer. Mike Mentzer was a legendary bodybuilder from Golden era of bodybuilding. He was the guy who found HIT training style, Mike menzter training and workouts were legendary.

He had a phenomenal physique and was the right fit for golden era aesthetics. He found Heavy duty training or High intensity training. Mike menzter was a bodybuilder, businessman, author, writer and a true legend.

He said "Man, is an indivisible entity, an integrated unit of mind and body." Thus, his books contain as much philosophy as they do bodybuilding information. He emphasized the need to maintain perfectly strict form, move the weights in a slow and controlled manner, work the muscles to complete failure (positive and negative), and avoid overtraining.

Mentzer took the bodybuilding concepts developed by Arthur Jones and attempted
to perfect them. Through years of study, observation, knowledge of stress physiology. Arthur jones was one of the biggest influences for his new theories, we Arthur was a genius and a fascinating character. He was millionaire who was a true alpha.

High-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way was Mentzer's final work. In it, he detailed the principles of high intensity weight training.