
Monday, February 20, 2017

Into The shadow: Dorian Yates Movie

I have one word to write about this documentary and it’s just “brilliant”, I think Brain Did an excellent job making this movie with Dorian. If you found the first interview Brain did with Dorian was interesting wait till you watch ‘Into the shadow’, the kind of rapport brain shares with Dorian over the years has great impact on the movie. The opening scene of the movie is priceless and so is Dorian yates voice and knowledge, I am being a bodybuilding fanatic and part historian myself I am blown away by Dorian yates depth of knowledge and his persona outside of bodybuilding world.

The movie has everything right from talks to footage of Dorian when he was at the pinnacle of his bodybuilding career. There are scenes where he compares himself now and then, the movie is matter of fact journey of Dorian yates from a one-dimensional athlete to a great human being and you know what he is an intellectual being. I have followed Dorian yates right from his bodybuilding heydays to till date, what a great man and his thought pattern is just brilliant and that gives the movie a different outlook altogether. A must watch movie for not only DY fan but also for people across different niche’s, I wish brain all the very best and I think he should come up with a documentary on himself and his experience in wall street.

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