
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

How to Lose Weight without Exercise or Strict Diet ?

This was a question from one of my viewer who never exercised and was significantly over weight. The problem with most people is that they never realize that they are going over board and putting on heaps of weight at later stage. I do understand and acknowledge that focusing on fitness and health takes a back seat when you are in hustle to make life better and provide for your family.

People put on weight for various reason and often ignore the fact that it’s not always about looking good and have a six-pack abs. it’s beyond that, I am not talking everyone should have a great physique but more on the lines of being healthy and active in life.

Taking care of yourself and being healthy and active and having a fit body is not limited celebrities or athletes. Everyone should take time and pride in being healthy and fit, most importantly be consistent. Well enough said about what is the problem now let’s see how we can fix it.

I can guide you to get fit and stay in shape, but you must help yourself! you need to be consistent in working out, straight on your diet and shouldn't lose focus. Now let’s say you weight 105 kgs and you’re under 6 feet in height. It is quite too much if you don't exercise and have a very sedentary life style. Another most overlooked factor is the age, as you grow old you need to keep your weight under control.

 I suggest you join a gym and start working out ASAP.

 Building muscle revolves around few factors which one needs to consider and follow.

1. Weight training and right kind of exercises.
2. Nutrition depending on your goals as to build muscle or loose fat.
3. Rest and recovery depending on your training routine, that is whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced.

Initially I would say learn the correct exercises and most importantly the form. when you say weight, I assume you mean muscle, I would say train regularly and hard say 5 days a week.

Stay away from sugar, excess carbs and processed foods.

I suggest do cardio at least 3 days a week. trying doing HIT cardio.

If you follow these simple pointers you are bound to get a fit body and stay healthy.

One of the best whey protein is muscle Blaze Whey protein, I prefer to take 2 whey protein shakes a day and my training has improved since I have added Muscle Blaze to my nutritional arsenal gains have drastically improved. 

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