
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Eat low calories and burn fat fast

Let’s get it straight whether you want to lose fat, get shredded or get ripped there is a sure way to go about it and getting it. I am going to show you how to get the fat lose done and not the scale loss. I am a natural bodybuilder, a big believer in doing the weight loss or muscle building naturally when I say naturally I mean No “steroids” supplementation, there are many like Labrada or muscle blaze and many more.  I will talk about supplements bit later in the article.

Now coming to diet there are hell lot of diet that you can try and experiment. Atkins diet, Keto diet or intermitted fasting so on so forth. There are so many diets in the market that you get confused hell a lot and leaves you wondering what works and what doesn’t.

 Focus on getting rid of adipose fat and how do you do that? create calorie deficit which in turn forces your body to burn fat as source of energy. Weight loss is unavoidable when you go on calorie deficit but that’s not the point here is it? You need to focus on fat loss and not weight loss.  Fat loss is the determining factor which decides the program or diet is a success or otherwise.

A pound of muscle is 600 calories whereas fat is 3500 calories, so if you go on a calorie deficit of 500 calorie you will lose 1 pound of fat in a week with calorie deficit of 500 every day. So, you need to lift weights to build muscle and lose fat so that it helps burn the fat and retain the muscle mass.

Don’t be on a crash diet

You don’t need to crash diet and do some drastic changes in your dietary habit instantly, as it might cause more harm than good. Crash dieting is extremely harmful on one’s health and can reverse the weight loss when you’re off the extreme dieting, thus brings you back to the same point where you started from.

Eat small meals and Track your Macro’s

It’s always better to eat 4 to five meals a day rather than 2 or 3 heavy meals. It helps you in increasing your metabolism which is vital in burning fat and thus helps in shedding weight. I suggest having 3 to 4 meals and 1 or 2 snacks; this will help your body to breakdown the food quickly and release energy quickly compared to that of large meals. Take advantage of technology and use fitness Apps, like MyFitnessPal to track your macros.

Here is a video explain what’s best workout routine to build muscle and lose fat for natural bodybuilder or someone who is a beginner or intermediate natural lifter.

Cut down on sugar and do Cardio

Last but not the least cut down on sugar and do cardio at least 2 to 3 days a week. If you are into any sport, it’s icing on the cake as staying active burns more calories especially if you are playing a sport.

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