
Sunday, September 17, 2017

My Transformation from Fat to Fit Episode 8

My Transformation from Fat to Fit, This is week 2 of my journey on a quest to get fit and shed fat. As explained in the previous episode I have just started my weight training after my accident and haven’t trained in last 5 months. Watch the first episode:

Training in week 2 has been great, in this episode I want to discuss my training and diet. There is a lot of misconception of diet in India and all over the world. People are made to believe that they need to consume supplements or vitamin tablets to build a good physique or to lose weight, which isn’t true.

I would say I am training with only 80% of the training intensity at the moment, as I want to get adjusted to the training demands for few weeks and then on I am going to step up the pace. I want to show you guys that it’s absolutely possible to be in great shape by staying natural and just make sure you have a plan and have the work ethic. Week by week piece by piece and muscle by muscle everything is going to evolve. I want all of you to support me and be part of my journey in turning fat into muscle.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and support me in my journey.

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