
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Natural Body Transformation 2021 Week 1 Day 2 Chest Day

 In this blog post I would like to discuss how and why am I starting a body transformation. This will be a series of blog post with some pics and videos from my Youtube channel to monitor and document the body transformation progress. Many people claim to be Natural and share progress pictures where you see drastic changes. Body transformation done in a natural way is the best way because the changes will last longer and you don't need any anabolics or steroids. Subscribe to my blog as I share my journey.

Day 2 Workout

I would like to say that transformation i did back in 2019 was awesome and i saw great results also found variables i could change to get better results. I follow high intensity training like thw Arthur Jones and mike mentzer advocated. I believe i volume training also gets you results but not as well as that HIIT. Now once you start training intensity is the key and thats the most important factor people missout on while trying to workout with HIIT Method. I tailor and create my workout and use HIIT according. 

As far as diet is concerned I am on a low carbs on most days and typically fast 2 days of the week for 16/19 hours on those two days. I dont follow a high protein diet as it can tax your kidneys and overall its not feasible to do it on a regular basis with busy schedule. moderate fat will be something consistent. It takes time to hit the macros on point let's not forget it's not a day or two's journey it's gonna be a 12 to 16 weeks of transformation. I plan to build muscle while getting as lean as possible. 


Barbell bench press

45.45 kgs x 20 reps 4 sets Warm up

70 kgs x 5 reps 2set

Dumbell Flys

22 kgs x 10 reps 3 set

It's been a good couple of days of training so far. It's a long and hard journey both physically and mentally. But that's the beauty of any challenge you take up, remember to follow my blog and follow my journey. See you in the next article.

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