
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Natural Body Transformation Report 2022 Week 1 Day 2

Natural Body Transformation Report 2022 has officially begun. The last Transformation was a great success and i lost lots of fat and maintained a good body with more of dieting and exercising. How is it different this time you may ask. Well, last year and the year prior it was more focused on getting a lean physique now it's more of getting a hurclean physique with more focus on health and wellbeing.

People who follow my blog and youtube channel already know that i Don't take any suppliments or steroids. I try to get to the best version of myself. People often believe these are the only route, however there is a healthier way and that's what I am exponentially exploring now.

For today's workout i did kettlebell cleans and Turkish get ups. I used a 32 kg Kettlebell to do exercise. I believe kettlebells are the only of best training tools to hit the market. They are versitle and very productive. I am yet to start some serious Trianing, however day 2 had been productive. Here is a short except from my day 2 training.

Follow along my series both on blog and youtube.

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