
Sunday, July 10, 2022

Heavy Duty Training Day 1 of Gaining Muscle mass Bodybuilding Transformation

This is a blog post from Day 1 of heavy duty training Gaining Muscle mass and Bodybuilding Transformation naturally. Day 1 I took some pictures so as to compare my progress at the end. I will start posting my diet along with the workouts as and when i film it.This blog will have a detailed journal of my progess and road blocks. I have trained high volume and low volume, but i felt i grew on low volume training and my body responds well to low or mordate volume. I have never detailed all aspects ofy training completely. If log training i wouldn't capture diet oe visa versa, but this time i intend to it all and share my progress and thesis. here are some of the pictures of me after 2 days of rest after my fist workout.
I chose mike mentzer's heavy duty training program to see hownmy body responds. I must tell you I was great workout and I am sore like hell frok past two days. I suspect most of it might be due to me not working out for more than 2 months. As I do my second workout I will be able to shed more light in to it. Right now enjoying DOMS lol. Here is a article link to DOMS. here is the workout i did on my day one of workout.
Till next time train hard and enjoy the process.

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