Friday, June 7, 2024

Mike Menzter Style of Diet

The transformation is going good, In this post i would like to discuss about mike mentzer style of Diet. Diet is critical in one's body transformation and body fat reduction.

If you are not aware high intensity Workout or heavy Duty Workout style was started by arthur jones, followed by Casey viator and then by Mike mentzer and he add his own observation and recommendation to it. He made it popular.

Train Less and make gain more muscle and cutting down the frequency of workouts. follow my previous posts related to Mike Menzter article. Now lets get back to diet,Mike recommended meat, fruits and vegetables, cereals. He recommended 60/25/15 ratio for carbohydrates, protein and fats. His philosophy was high carbs for energy and to aid intense workout. He was not big on high protein. Which i agree with mike, we need not go overboard with protein but rather have a active lifestyle.