Saturday, May 11, 2024

Push and pull Workout

I am back in training and as always training high intensity workout. I experimented with only couple of exercises. but that's like hitting two birds in one stone. the pull up palms facing you is a great back workout at the same time great for your biceps. Now push workout I did weighted dips with 32 kg kettlebell attached.
I must tell you my chest was screaming with pain and thrilled with the pump. while I write you my friends and buddies instill feel my pecs burning and growing. Mike mentzer inspired me a lot to train intensely and train smart. This workout was Short,effective and incredibly rewarding. until next workout cya and train hard get big and Strong.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Cardio and Martial arts

The amount of cardio needed to do Martial arts or any form of contact sports is tremendous. Cardio is not only essential for getting ripped but also to stay fit and healthy. Its very important to keep yourself in good condition like a finely tuned machine. Trust me benefits of a great cardio will take you a long way. You can pick and do any form of cardio right from walking in the beautiful nature to running on the beach. You can play sports like soccer and swimming. Bicycle riding you have array of options.
I love Muay thai bag workout, punching and kicking working on techniques is a great cardio. Make sure you do cardio at least 2 times a week cardio workout.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Golden era bodybuilding workout

Arnold Schwarzenegger to Frank Zane every legend loved training and those were the golden days of bodybuilding. I absolutely love to train hard and heavy duty style. Training should be intense and rewarding. I believe it's how hard you train and not how long you train. Its been a while since I posted videos or wrote articles. I just have been very busy with life, like we all sometimes do. But then again you get back to doing what you really love to do. For me its training and writing sharing experience and learning. As far as i can remember i started blogging or YouTube videos out of passion to share and document. This week has been productive and sharing a little shoulder workout session. I juggle between training at home and gym. here is my quick workout
barbell clean and press barbell shoulder press weight plate halos enjoy the video and chat to you soon people.