Sunday, November 1, 2009

How Important is cardio

How Important is cardio ? this is the question I am often asked by clients or anybody who likes to train.  Well Cardiovascular workout is exercising your body so as to elevate your heart rate to anywhere ranging from 60-80% maximum. As long as you keep your heart rate high, say 55-60% should be suffice to burn of the fat & 70-80% to stay fit with no fat on.
Cardio is one of the vital aspects in achieving total fitness & peak conditioning, which unfortunately is ignored time & time again. If you ever marveled how bodybuilders & fitness models maintain there awesome washboard abs, the key is cardio. Having a fit body to achieving six packs, cardio is critical. Workouts keeps you fit & works in developing individual body part, however cardio would be the tool which helps showoff the hard earned muscle ripping away the fat.

The beauty of cardio is that it can be performed anywhere any time, be it at the gym or in a small room while your on vacation. It especially can easy & interesting while you’re on vacation, where you don’t have access to any exercise equipments; well i would discuss that in my next article on cardio, but as of now let's focus on How Important is cardio. The key main factor for effective cardio session is intensity, you can choose to do cardio in gym or outdoor, which ever suites your needs.
The cardio performed in the gym can be:
Stair climber
Stationary bicycle
The cardio performed outdoor can be:
Power walking
Mountain biking
You just need to make sure you give in good 45minutes for cardio say 3 times a week, again various from person to person how mach fat they are carrying. Make sure you don’t over do it and burn off to much of hard earned muscle. Do what's been outlined in the article and you will realize How Important is cardio. Achieving your ideal physique isn’t that complicated, but involves lots of hard work and training consistently.