Saturday, June 19, 2021

How Do bodybuilder build their muscles and what food habits they follow to build strong muscles?

I am often asked how do bodybuilder build their muscles and what food habits they follow to build strong muscles? Well, first thing I say is consistency. Yes, you heard me right! That’s the first quality once needs to excel in a sport or profession to be successful. If you have discipline and dedication then you can accomplish the most difficult task easily. 

Now getting to diet or the food habit they first get big by bulking up. They consume lot of calories to accomplish the size they want to achieve and then they go on a cut or rather a calorie deficit diet. when on a bulking diet, they eat food high in carbs and fats then later on gradually reduce the calorie consummation. Mostly they eat Rice, sweet potato, chicken, eggs, lots of veggies, milk and fish. When it comes to calories it purely depends on what kind of look are they gunning for and the weight class or the show they are competing. So fundamentally if you want to bulk you have to increase the calorie intake and to get cut you have to be on a calorie deficit. 

Here is a video of simple meal I follow on a typical day. This is my Transformation series and what works for me necessarily will not workout for you. So find the right balance. 

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